Work package 1

 LEADER: University of Siegen

  1.  Online Communication Tool e.g. Mailing List, Online Video Conference Tools such as ZOOM
  2.  Activity Tracking
  3. Project Website (hosted by the industrial partner for at least 3 years after the project)
  4. Project Social Media Channels for Dissemination (e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, SlideShare, Slack, and YouTube)
  5.  Webinars : one webinar for each course in a last months of the project, Content: Introduction of the course, how to use the course materials effectively, … for a duration of 30-45 minutes (Petanux offers virtual and eLearning platforms through
  6. Online Support Center (OSC) to support the virtual/online training platform: Include both technical issues (it can redirect by email to responsible person e.g. website issues, or moodle issues, etc.)) and scientific issues (Particular topics: The question should be redirected to the responsible partner for each course material, General topics: e.g. ideas, comments, feedbacks: It should be redirected to the Coordinator (USI))
  7. SharePoint (Document Sharing)
  8. E-Portal (online/virtual education portal/platform) including discussion forum, ,
  9.  Moodle (two options:1. With certificate but paying the tax, 2. Without certification and free) (all the skills training materials) –> Link to the Moodle on the server of the UA and the UA has the administrator for the modifications. Cristina will ask whether UA can help us in configuration of a new moodle on