Course Description
The module concentrates on the system aspects of embedded real-time systems and provides the
central Requirement and materials sch as modeling , design of embedded control systems, analysis and verification. The main purposes of the course are to become acquainted with the application fields of embedded control systems and to understand working methods to develop embedded control systems Students are supported with various paradigms and design principles for embedded systems familiar. An emphasis lies on the handling of opposing System characteristics (e.g., flexibility vs. composability, open systems vs. temporal guarantees) and the competence to use them. In addition, fundamentals of embedded real-time systems are intended for knowledge gain from new developments (e.g., Internet of Things) in order to provide the basis for research activities in the field of cyber-physical systems. The theoretical knowledge about embedded real-time systems will be utilizing case studies and system architectures from various domains (e.g., automotive industry, building automation and control, or aircraft industry).