About the meeting

This meeting will be held on May 2023 by the UNIVERSITAET SIEGEN (USI).


The Final Project Closure Meeting of the SkoPS project was held on May 10th and 11th 2023 at the Chair for Embedded Systems, the University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany. In the SkoPS project, all project activities are categorized into six main categories called work packages: Project (1) main activities, (2) implementation tools and E-services, (3) coordination and management, (4) quality control, and monitoring, (5) dissemination, and (6) exploitation, and sustainability. For this aim, all the project activities, achievements, and objectives presented by USI, and all unfulfilled tasks and deliverables were discussed with all partners completely through one session. All deliverables, milestones, and objectives were reviewed. The project outputs that are to be uploaded to the EC results platform have been also reviewed and discussed. The main activities of the project are 10 intellectual outputs and 5 transnational meetings. All ten Intellectual Outputs (IOs) are provided as PowerPoint and PDF slides for the students and teachers and introductory videos to guide users are uploaded into one online training platform (Moodle of the Alicante: https://moodle2021-22.ua.es/formacio/login/index.php). All introductory videos of intellectual outputs are uploaded to the Youtube channel to introduce the SkoPS project publicly which is linked to the project website (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwj6pPJAM6UGyXTmCiY6Os-5yLeGxRI2A). All five transnational meetings are held successfully and posted on the project website (https://www.skops.eu/). It is discussed having two newsletters and press releases for the first and second years of the project uploaded into the project website. Also, the final project closure meeting, workpackage 4 was presented by UA. In this session, the quality assurance report was presented, and the UA confirm to add of the proactive measurement, impact procedure, and impact analysis section into the final quality based on the DAAD feedback. In the following, the final project report on the mobility tool was discussed and completed with all partner’s contributions. All partners collaborated to complete the associated fields and budget table for the project activities and travel for the transnational meetings. The dissemination activities were also reviewed, and a list of all dissemination activities was provided by EILD including all posts on the social media accounts. This list includes all posts, locations, and the number of visitors and their feedback from users. The last work package was presented by PTX and the plan for the sustainability activities and actions was discussed by all partners and the sustainability report will be prepared.