Work Package 3
- Quality Control and Monitoring Plan
- Quality Assurance report / The internal procedure of intellectual output quality assurance
- Quality Indicators for each course
- Internal and external stakeholders will be selected to evaluate the outcomes, impact, and quality. Set up the processes/surveys/interviews and the tools (e.g., online questionnaires) that will be used to evaluate the quality and impact among the stakeholders; this research should take place immediately after the completion of the project’s educational deliverables
- Each outcome will be evaluated by the projects’ stakeholders. The evaluation will be executed through the distribution of online questionnaires.
- Internal reporting every six months
- Progress for each intellectual output will be tracked and reported in line with Quality Assurance Measures (Quality Assurance Framework including quality control benchmarks and peer assessment mechanisms).
- The estimated time and effort workloads are calculated appropriately. However, the interlinking of individual measures and the paths to achieving the goals are not always clear and comprehensible. A quality control mechanism is required. UA will include this requirement in the Quality Control and Monitoring Plan
- The correlation between the creation of content for IIoT courses and the achievement of the postulated cross-sectional goal of increasing the proportion of women in IIoT-oriented degree courses also remains unclear.Some indicators are needed for the engagement of women into the project. This can also be considered in the QC and monitoring plan provided by the UA
- The involvement of relevant stakeholders via associated partnerships or acceptance as a sponsored partner does not take place. Such recovery measures remain very general and declarative. There are no concrete implementation strategies for this.A list of stakeholders for the SkoPS project must be prepared. Then, each local partner should contact them to ask their support as sponsors or associated partnerships. At the module development, these associated partners can help to bias the content of the intellectual outputs
- DAAD Feedback Evaluation
- Members of the Quality & Evaluation (Q/E) Team Selection